Crypto Currency

Decrypting Cryptocurrency Technologies A ramble through the jungle of the crossword puzzle

Help yourself come into the world of crypto technologies! In this crossword, you will score points for providing the correct terms and definitions that are connected to cryptocurrencies, blockchain and DeFi. Try yourself and get to know even more together with having solved the puzzle!

Cryptocurrency Technologies Crossword Puzzle

1. The first cryptocurrency created and the main one exchanged on platforms.

4. It is the systematic procedure of approving and adding transactions to the blockchain.

6. A digital ledger technology used as the record keeping for transactions over a computer network.

8. A cryptographic technique that we use on the blockchain to validate transactions.

10. Their model of production is based on limiting the maximum supply of bitcoin.

12. smart contract platform written in smart contract language.

14. The mechanism through which citizens or participants earn rewards for verifying transactions via blockchain networks.

16. A transfer of monetary value stored in cryptocurrency transactions through a consensus algorithm used in many cryptocurrency.

18. The Bitcoin is the most basic quantum of a Bitcoin.

20. A wallet is one of the ways for users to interact with the blockchain, and it allows users to store their private keys offline.

2. It is a digital cash which uses cryptography to make it resistant to modify as well as control, processes are carried out through distributed participants/peer and is not centrally controlled.

3. As over half of Bitcoin users characterize the creation of the cryptocurrency as a work of a single alphanumeric codenamed Satoshi Nakamoto.

5. Core underlying the solid principle of a stabelcoin, it is a crypto asset whose value is linked to a single of the dominant fiat currencies.

7. An example of an attack where one entity funnels most of the computing power being utilized by the network.

9. A alternative of mining is the proof of the work.

11. It is an embodiment of a cryptocurrency that is used as a token to represent stock in an organization or project.

13. A platform with features on creation and trade of digital assets.

15. This process of translating the fiat currency into crypto currency is known as entering the crypto space.

17. The manner of cryptocurrency that is especially created to be secretive and disguised behind anonymity.

19. A decentralized finance platform for lending and borrowing sums of money.

You did it! Press the congratulate button after solving the Cryptocurrency Technologies crosswords problem. Crypto geeks or those who are just starting to learn about it, it was a pleasure to present you with new cryptocurrency concepts. We hope you didn’t just enjoy the process but maybe even learn something new about the incredible world of cryptocurrency technology. Go deeper into it and don’t ever stop learning with each and every single development you encounter on the way!

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